Special Duty Clothing

NOWAR Balaklava - Nomex Tactical Hood, flame-resistant

This hood is used for protection against coldness but also often worn by persons who do not want to reveal their identity. Normally these are officers of Police or Military Special Forces. But this hood is also a part of the ruled fire protection equipment of automobile sport and is worn under the helmet. Our product is made of the meta-aramid fibre Nomex which is used especially for fire protection. It can be also find in other flame-resistant garments (e.g. protective suits of fire departments, racing driver overalls, …).

PLEASE NOTE: The mummery prohibition enjoins the participants of demonstrations from hiding faces or carrying along objects (hoods) which are intended of hiding the face in order to avoid the proof of identity. A mummery prohibition exists in Germany, Austria and some cantons of Switzerland among others.

Material - NOMEX® Delta C
Colour - Black or olive-coloured
Varieties -
One-hole mask
Three-hole mask (2x eyes, 1x mouth)
Article-No. -
One-hole hood, black
One-hole hood, olive-coloured
Three-hole hood, black
Notes - In Germany the mummery prohibition is ruled in § 17a Passage 2 Gathering Law and is punished by prison sentence or is fined in § 27 Passage 2 or § 29 (2). The mummery prohibition was agreed by Lower House of German Parliament in Germany on 28th June 1985.



Special Duty Clothing