Special Duty Clothing

NOWAR Balaklava - Tactical Hood Cotton

A balaclava is a head hood mainly made of cloth which shows only the eyes and sometimes the mouth, too. “Balaklava” comes from the homonymous city in the self-governed Republic Krim in the Ukraine. Knitted balaclavas were sent to the British troops during the Krim War in order to protect them against the bitter coldness. Our tactical hood made of cotton is available either as one-hole or two-hole mask.

  PLEASE NOTE: The mummery prohibition enjoins the participants of demonstrations from hiding faces or carrying along objects (hoods) which are intended for hiding the face in order to avoid the proof of identity.  A mummery prohibition exists in Germany, Austria and some cantons of Switzerland among others.

Material - Cotton
Colour - Black
Varieties -
One-hole mask
Two-hole mask
Article-No. - 0910201
Notes - In Germany the mummery prohibition is ruled in § 17a Passage 2 Gathering Law and is punished by prison sentence or is fined in § 27 Passage 2 or § 29 (2). The mummery prohibition was agreed by Lower House of German Parliament in Germany on 28th June 1985



Special Duty Clothing